Friday, June 15, 2012

Photo A Day: June 8-14

June 8 - Lonely Sandy, why is she so lonely?
June 9 - It's not a very good photo, but I went to Dongdaemun Market today. I am getting a Hanbok made for me as a souvenir of sorts for my experience in Korea. The turquoise will be the bottom, the burgundy is for the sash, and in the picture it looks white but it is more of a  seafoam, is for the top part of the Hanbok.
June 10 - Bought a new shirt today...i'm not sure what it is trying to say but I think it's funny. 
June 11 - I hurt the side of my foot when I went to Jeju a couple weeks ago, and it still hurts when I stand and walk on it for extended time. My boss told me I should go get it x-rayed. Well I did and it was just a sprain. So I have to get physical therapy for 3 days. This is my first day of physical therapy, infrared 
June 12 - I love to bake. Made some Caramel Chocolate Chip cookies.
June 13 - "Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically." Romans 12:11
This is something I feel I have been struggling with since being in Korea. I had hoped that while being in Korea, my relationship with God would grow but I have been lazy, which is hurting my relationship. I found this verse unexpectedly and it has been a wake up call to myself.
June 14 - I got my hanbok today. I had to try it on as soon as I got home. The bow isn't tied very well, but I love my hanbok; I love the colors and the design on the jacket.

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