Friday, July 6, 2012

My Best Friend Visits Me!

So for the past year, even before I came to Korea, my friend and I have been planning for her to visit me. We were at first talking about it and not really thinking much of it, but then we really got serious about planning the visit. She was going to be going to Europe with her family and then she would fly to Korean afterwards. Then when she booked her ticket several months ago, it all became very real. I was super excited that she was going to visit me. Then she finally came to Korea. It is also a good time for her to come. I only have a little over a month left in Korea, and my airplane ticket home has been booked which has been making me very homesick. So having a friendly face from home coming to visit me has been nice. I have been planning an epic adventure for us both. We will both see new things and have an awesome time. Let "The JK Epic Adventure" commence.

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